An Exceptionally In-Depth Professional Development Program for the Practical Application of Leadership Concepts in Management.
Designed for Managers who have completed "The Physics & Chemistry of Leadership."
Remember Rubik's Cube? How would you describe the process of trying to solve it? Challenging, frustrating, time-consuming, annoying, methodical?
Do those words remind you of another frustrating puzzle you face on a daily basis in your role as a boss? Working with and through people issues can be as challenging as that Rubik's Cube - but if you're able to solve those puzzles, the satisfaction is enormous!
Our Powerful Advanced Concepts in Leadership Program Can Help You Find Solutions and Approaches that Work!
As you are no doubt aware, your skill and ability as a leader has a profound impact on the output of your organization - whether you manage a small department, or are in a senior-level position of responsibility. How well you envision people, how well you establish relationships, how well you communicate, how well you bring accountability to staff, how well you manage process - these are the frustratingly abstract areas that so often determine the outcome of your organization.
So...are you satisfied with the results you're currently getting?
If you believe that higher levels of achievement are possible but as-yet unrealized, the great news is that the attributes, skills, behaviors, and characteristics of highly effective leaders can be learned and mastered. These powerful key pieces can be identified, understood, and replicated within the framework of your own unique natural style. So, with Advanced Concepts of Leadership. We identify these characteristics, break them down into manageable parts, turn them into teachable concepts, and provide you with specific practical ideas so you can incorporate them into your own personal approach - to achieve true Managerial Leverage.
- Organizational results and self-assessment quotient
- Solving the "Rubik's Cube" of management
- Evaluating effectiveness in relationships
- Understanding, and dramatically enhancing, your level of influence
- How to make relationships less stressful; traps to avoid
- How to maintain the balance between getting results and caring for the people - having collegiality and still getting the work done.
- Assessing your organization's level of productive energy
- The entitlement and victim mentalities
- How to establish and maintain trust and credibility in relationships
- Achieving Managerial Leverage
- An in-depth, precise analysis of the dynamics of communication in the workplace - why is it such a pervasive problem and how can it be mastered?
- A comprehensive, systematic study of the process of coaching, counseling, correcting, and bringing development to people for the purpose of improving performance - concrete, practical steps to get significantly better results
- Building a powerful culture of ownership, execution, and accountability