Tools For Leaders

Utilizing an Intelligent Approach to the management of people simply yields a better result. The concepts are actually fairly easy to grasp conceptually - but becoming proficient at the application of the concepts requires a significant commitment of work of time. It's abstract. It's more art than science. It's like music, insofar as the rhythm must be felt. Progress may be imperceptible on a day-to-day basis since the results are the function of cumulative work, focused conversations, and positive, sustained pressure over time. But like winning a challenging game of chess...the results are enormously satisfying.
1.) Rule #1: People want leadership! They want someone to provide direction. The problem is - it must be credible, competent, trustworthy leadership in order for people to be willing to follow.
2.) Highly effective leaders fully embrace responsibility for employees' performance. They know that a deficiency in employee performance is more often than not rooted in a deficiency in the boss' leadership.
3.) They know also that the outcome they get from employees is most often a function of the approach that the leaders uses with them.
4.) One of the biggest impediments to leadership development is that many bosses believe themselves to be sufficiently effective, that is, they lack accurate self-awareness of their impact on the organization.
5.) Many, if not most, employees actually want to do well in their work. When employees fail to perform to expectation, it is most often inadequacy in leadership or - roadblocks created by organizational systems and structures. And sadly, when employees do well, it is often in spite of the organization rather than because of it.
6.) One of the leader's highest priorities is the conscious, structured, relentless development of people. If you're a boss, you're really a teacher. The more you develop your skill as a teacher, the better your people will perform.
7.) Certainly not all, but without question many more people than you might imagine can be taught, trained, developed, and grown.
8.) And...more people than you might imagine can actually change.
9.) Leaders who make a conscious effort to understand themselves, their impact on people, the dynamics of human behavior, and the development of an organization will simply get better results.
10.) Finally, highly effective leaders understand that attitudes are usually the result of the environment in which employees function.
Learn how to apply these concepts to get people to do the work and do it right with...