The Five Critical Areas of Focus
1.) The conscious creation of, and ongoing management of an intentionally constructed dynamic corporate culture and social architecture.
2.) The careful selection, regular assessment, and conscientious development of people at all levels, especially leaders.
3.) The development and management of strategically designed and consistently reliable process execution throughout the organization.
4.) Intentionality, focus, and relentless pursuit of continuous, incremental improvement in process and experience.
5.) The conscious creation and management of a unique, compelling, effortless, and memorable experience for both internal and external customers.
How do Great Leaders and Great Organizations do what they do? They relentlessly focus their energy on Five Critical Areas - and get consistently better performance as a result.
During the course of twenty years of observation, research, and analysis, I've learned exactly what great leaders do in these Five Critical Areas to achieve better performance, greater productivity, and stronger financial results. I've organized it all into a Practical Operating System delivered through a series of Training Programs and on-site Consulting Services that can be applied by leaders in any organization.

Tools for Leaders