The Next Steps
Step Two: The 7 Vital Components
Step Three: Making It Actionable
Performance Management Consulting Services
Step One: It All Starts With Questions...
- What are the problems, issues, and roadblocks?
- Where do you want your business to go?
- What holds you back from getting there?
Process Problems
- What process and systems problems exist?
- Where exactly do they break down?
- What are the root causes of breakdown?
Employee Performance
- Do your people perform to their potential?
- Are performance and productivity as high as you'd like?
- How are morale and attitudes among employees?
Management Effectiveness
- How effective are your managers at achieving results?
- How well do they function together as a team?
- How well do they lead their employees?
- How satisfied are your customers?
- How strong is your repeat business?
- How well do you measure customer satisfaction?
- Is everybody moving in the same direction?
- Do we all share the same values and work ethic?
- How is employee turnover and how easy is it to recruit?
- Is your business growing steadily?
- Are you as profitable as you could be or should be?
- Are expenses under control?
How happy and satisfied are you?
How is your stress level and health?
Are you doing what you think you should be doing?