Like many business founders, a first big question to deal with is the seemingly simple process of finding a name! Do I use my own name? Do I make it sound like a huge corporate entity? Do I give it a name with a high-tech flair?
Couldn't do any of those....
I had to do something that had real meaning for me: my Dad had passed away a few years before I started the business, at much too early of an age, with not nearly enough time for us to establish an adult father-to-son relationship. Too late I realized the depth of his character, the breadth of his wisdom, the scope of his understanding of life. He was one of the "Greatest Generation." You treat people right, you take care of the forgotten, you work hard and you keep working, you keep matter what. Strong as a horse, quiet strength, hidden wisdom. Gone too soon.
So, the answer became easy...Walter Strayer Dance was the inspiration for The Walter Strayer Company. This way I get to remember him every time someone asks where the name came from...
Wonder what he'd think of his name on the internet?
Walter Strayer Dance:
A life shaped by the quiet rhythm of farm chores in Steubenville, OH, and by exhausting, unrelenting duty as a 'Citizen Soldier' in World War II. He was a Turret & Armaments Chief with the 376th Bomber Group of the 15th Air Force, stationed in North Africa and Italy, working on the mighty B-24 Liberator bomber, like the one pictured here. Came home from the war and literally married "the girl next door." Became a Babson College graduate, then a manager of a PPG Industries business location. Ever a devoted husband, wise Dad, great neighbor, friend to all, and always, always... the worker.